17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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Qman ("Quick Mandelbrot") draws points in and around
the Mandelbrot set in the complex plane. The set is defined
to be the set of points c where the iteration z := z**2 + c
does not explode when z is initially zero. Qman will set
the color of all Mandelbrot points to black. The ten colors
used for all other points may be controlled by the menu
options, as described below. The resolution is 640 pixels
horizontally, and either 200 or 400 vertically, as specified
by the interlace option. (It is possible to alternate
freely between interlace and non-interlace modes.) Regions
within a given picture may be enlarged for viewing with the
zoom option.
In addition, qman will draw a variation of the usual
Mandelbrot set which we call here the "skew" Mandelbrot
set. This is what results from alternately adding and
subtracting c from z**2 on successive iterations (i.e.,
z := z**2 + (-1)**n * c. The skew option is in effect
when qman is first invoked.
The following menu options may be selected by either
holding down the right mouse button and pulling them down
from the top of the screen, or by depressing the right
Amiga key and the corresponding keyboard character (as shown
on the menus, and as listed below):
Restart (Amiga-s) --> Re-enters the program as though
first started. Interlace is off,
blended colors are cycled (default
Skew (Amiga-k) --> Toggles skew on and off. With skew
off, the usual Mandelbrot set is
Quit (Amiga-q) --> Returns to CLI or Workbench.
Ilace (Amiga-i) --> Toggles between 200 and 400 vertical
pixels. If the ilace item appears
with a check mark, the screen is
currently in interlace mode.
Smooth (Amiga-m) --> When smoothing is in effect, points
are grouped into threes and assigned
colors as follows: if the colors of
the 1st and 3rd points are the same,
the 2nd point is assigned this color
also. This assumption is usually
correct. Processing is slightly
faster when smoothing is turned on.
(The time to draw a typical picture
might be around 3/4 the time without
Color options:
Blend (Amiga-b) --> Specifies that color palettes are
to be selected with smoothly-varying
Random (Amiga-r) --> Causes palettes to be generated
Cycle (Amiga-c) --> Toggles into and out of color cycle
mode. Cycling colors results in the
automatic generation of new color
palettes in rapid succession. This
is equivalent to a series of 'next'
Next (Amiga-n) --> Causes another color palette to be
created-- either blended or randomly,
as indicated by the blend and random
menu items.
Zoom (Amiga-z) --> May be selected at any time, either
during or after completion of a
Mandelbrot picture. When selected,
a rectangular region is specified
by depressing the left mouse button
on the upper-left corner of the
region. Holding the button down,
move the mouse to size the rectangle
as a window is sized (i.e., the
lower-right corner of the box follows
the mouse pointer). When the button
is released, the rectangular area
will be enlarged to fill the entire
--Steve Bonner, February '88